American Compassion and the NFL

I didn’t know if I would post anything about Hurricane Katrina, but I’ve been motivated by the donations that certain organizations have made toward relief efforts. Let me first say that I’m always impressed on how much compassion and generosity we show in response to disasters. Money and other donations come pouring in.

The Kidd Kraddick Show raised close to $330,000 in one day alone. Wal-Mart originally donated $2 million, but has since committed $15 million toward the effort. Which is good, considering that the CEO makes over $5 million a year and their annual revenue is close to $300 billion.

The one organization that I think has under-committed is the NFL. They have committed only $1 million. That’s only $1,000,000. The freaking New York Yankees alone are donating that much money. I would think that the NFL would take this more personally, since one of their teams is from New Orleans and their stadium is in the middle of the aftermath that’s going on. The NFL is one of the richest organizations around. They just struck a deal with ESPN for the Monday night games that makes them $1.1 BILLION!!! They can afford to donate more and they should.

Come on NFL. Make a real mark and donate A LOT MORE!!!

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