7 Highlights & Mistakes From My 5,000 Tweets

I’ve been sitting up against a milestone in my life. I’m about tweet for the 5,000th time. In fact if I time things right, this blog post announcement auto-tweet will be my 5,000th. It’s not really that life-changing of an event, but I figured now would be a good time to reflect on some of the highlights and mistakes I’ve made using twitter.

Here are some of my highlights looking back:

  • Announced the birth of both of my girls via twitter.
  • Shared numerous links that I liked or found interesting.
  • Helped my dad sell his iPhone 3G.
  • Met some new friends.
  • Gave away a Mavericks ticket (or two).
  • Learned some cool stuff from others.
  • Publicly affirmed friends and family.

And here are some mistakes I’ve made along the way:

  • Tweeted about some monotonous details of my life.
  • Complained about being in boring meetings (and later called out about it).
  • Paid too much attention to my phone when I should have paid attention to the people around me.
  • Spoke more than listened.
  • Gave TMI quite a few times.
  • Ignored twitter for large chunks of time.
  • Felt like having more followers somehow made me more important.

Ultimately I’ve decided that the reason I tweet is to add value to the lives of others. That might be random thoughts I have throughout the day. It might be sharing a link to a site I find useful. Or it might be just to share a little bit more about who I really am so people can know the real me a little better.

Those are just a few thoughts I’ve had looking back. What are your thoughts about twitter? Do you have any tweets you’ve regretted posting? If you follow my tweets, what do you like best? What should I stop doing?

Share your thoughts in the comments!