What did he do?

I was doing some searches for an Xbox 360 and came across an interesting eBay listing (digg it then click the link). The Xbox I found was up to $1,500, but when I clicked on it just to find out a little more, it was down to $99 with 5 minutes to go. At first I thought, SWEET!!! I’m gonna land a great deal. But then looked at the bid history and saw that the seller had canceled everyone’s bids because the Xbox 360 had been damaged. He apparently made his girlfriend really mad and she took it out on the system. Here’s his words in the Questions to Seller section:
Q: How did the damage occur? Is there anything that can be used for parts?
A: Lets just say my girlfriend got slightly mad at me. I thought about using it for parts but there isn’t anything that appears to be in one piece.

I’m really curious as to what he did that made her so mad.

One thought on “What did he do?

  1. he probably said something like “i love this xbox 360 more than anything eles in the world”… and she took that to mean more than her… or he was spending more time with it than her…or hes just a jerk and she got fed up with him…or maybe .. idk but something šŸ™‚

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