Hmmmm is an online audio book store. You can listen to the books on ipods and other devices. I was browsing their titles in their Christian book section and noticed that they have an unusual number of Christian books. Coincidence? Irony? Practical joke? See for yourself in the pic.Audible Christian Books

I Can’t Wait for This Show!!!

Every now and then, I find out something almost accidentally that I get really excited about. This happened today. I was at Brian Regan’s website to see if he was coming back to Dallas anytime soon (he’s not). I found out that one of his brothers, Dennis, is also a comedian and watched a clip of him performing on Brian’s website. I did a quick Yahoo search for Dennis Regan and came across this little blurb at The Arizona Daily Star:

Regan’s own résumé is about to get a boost; he’s in a development deal with the creators of the NBC sitcom “Scrubs” for his own sitcom. He is confident the show will be made and will slip in as a mid-season replacement at a network yet to be announced.

Unfortunately the story is from a year ago, so I’m guessing the show will never actually come out. But if it does, I’ll be watching.

What did he do?

I was doing some searches for an Xbox 360 and came across an interesting eBay listing (digg it then click the link). The Xbox I found was up to $1,500, but when I clicked on it just to find out a little more, it was down to $99 with 5 minutes to go. At first I thought, SWEET!!! I’m gonna land a great deal. But then looked at the bid history and saw that the seller had canceled everyone’s bids because the Xbox 360 had been damaged. He apparently made his girlfriend really mad and she took it out on the system. Here’s his words in the Questions to Seller section:
Q: How did the damage occur? Is there anything that can be used for parts?
A: Lets just say my girlfriend got slightly mad at me. I thought about using it for parts but there isn’t anything that appears to be in one piece.

I’m really curious as to what he did that made her so mad.


A few years back a couple friends of mine and I were up late talking. Somehow we got to the topic of TV shows we watched when we were kids. One that we remembered was Square One and in particular Mathman. I remembered that conversation tonight when I was listening to the Relevant Podcast and they talked about Mathnet on Square One. Did a quick search and, thanks to Wikipedia, I came across a site with clips from the show.

For your viewing pleasure, I offer up a clip of Mathman.

Computers are Smarter Than Me

I’ve been improving the countdown timer file that I have displayed on the left and I was getting frustrated. In Swish, I have to type in the date and time for the event I want the timer to countdown to. It was off by an hour when I had my computer’s clock set correctly. But if I advanced the timer to the day of or before the event (in this case, the Mavs opener) it would be right. Did I mention I was getting frustrated? Well, I thought about it for a minute. Why would it be wrong today, but right in a couple weeks? Then I realized. Daylight savings. The freaking computer knows that daylight savings is coming so it adjusts the timer accordingly. Amazing. I wish I would have thought of that a couple hours ago.

Pitch Your Tent Guy

I emailed Blake Bergstrom, the youth minister who had the little Freudian slip, jokingly asking him to come speak sometime. Surprisingly he emailed me back and included a VIDEO of his little mistake!!! It’s stinking hilarious!

Here’s a copy of his email:

BTW–I’m not Blake.

—–Original Message—–
From: Blake Bergstrom
Sent: Wed 9/14/2005 9:31 AM
Subject: if you thought the audio was funny..wait till you see my face on the video!!

Hi there,

Wow…I never knew that I’d be famous for my theology on
“TENTS and how to PITCH them”!! If you ever need a speaker for your
camps or retreats, my specialties are subjects that most people “feel
uncomfortable with”…I’m the kind of guy that just speaks what really
“needs to be heard”…I really get to the “heart of the matter”…”what
everybody’s thinkin’ but nobody will say”!! HEHEHE

My name is Blake and I am a High School Pastor at an awesome church in
Parker, Colorado, even though they don’t claim me anymore. I recently
sent out an email about a sermon I was preaching and I explained that I
was going through a series called, “Ignite”, which was a series from
Fellowship Church in Grapevine, TX. However, the way that I tackled the
account of Lot was probably a little different slant than the way that
Ed Young preached it!!!! In fact, he didn’t hold a candle to the way
that I “undressed that passage”…I threw him under the table!! (I’m
sure he’ll read this, so let me say this publicly…”I did a much better
job of preaching your sermon than you could ever dream!!!)

So, in case you didn’t get the first audio clip that circled the globe
over night, then you’ll need a little explaining. I was doing a quick
recap of the series and I was explaining to my students that bad company
corrupts good character and that we shouldn’t “pitch our tents” to close
to evil. Let me warn you though, that my version of the Bible might not
read quite like yours. Dude, you try and say it out loud…it’s hard to
say, alright…so get off me!!! It’s amazing how switching around one
letter like an “N” can change the entire phrase!!! The look on my face
after I said it is absolutely priceless. Push pause after I “let it
fly” and look at the horror in my eyes…my left eye actually
crosses…funny stuff!!!!!!!

So, since there have been hundreds of requests for the video, here it
is!!! Now, while I’ve got you here, I just want to thank you for all
your emails confirming the fact that I’m an idiot!! I’m going down in a
blaze of glory on this one…I’ll forever be known as the pinching ____
guy!! I’m trying to embrace this new identity, but to be honest I’m not
real sure I’m diggin’ it! What’s become of me…my parents,
grandparents, my children, and my poor wife will have to carry this
legacy for years to come. They had such incredible dreams for my
life…they wanted me to be a well-polished and dignified–“Prince of
all Preachers”…well, maybe I did become that in my own way…I don’t
know!! All I know to say is…”Thank God for His GRACE!!!” After
talking with God about this whole thing, He let me know that when it
happened… all of heaven fell to their side, they started beating the
ground, with tears streaming down their face, and Lot was running around
pinching himself, and all the heavenly hosts roared with laughter…just
like you did!!!!

God’s favorite character,

Blake Bergstrom
High School Pastor
Southeast Christian Church


I must say, I feel a little bad for this kid, but not too bad. This is a good reminder that if ever record yourself doing or saying something, there is a good chance that it will be posted on the internet for anyone in the world to download. Apparently this kid named Troy made a “Mixtape of Love” for his girlfriend Melissa for their six month anniversary. She dumped him a couple days later. Listen to it over here. It’s 14 minutes long, but make sure you listen for at least 6 minutes until he starts singing. Reminds me of “I love technology . . .”

Check it out here.

For another embarrassing moment caught on tape, check out the Star Wars Kid.