Hundred Chart Frog

Hundred Chart Frog

Recently my wife and I made the decision to home school our children. We’re going to give it our best shot for the foreseeable future. I have full confidence in Brea’s teaching ability (she taught first grade full-time at a public school for five years).

One of the things that we’ll be in search of will be good resources to teach our children the basic fundamentals of learning. Being that I’m more of the analytical/numbers parent and Brea is the creative, reading/writing one, I’ll be looking for ways to teach math to my kids. A resource that Brea has used in the classroom is a “hundred chart” that helps kids learn to count to one hundred.

I did a quick search on Google and found some cute designs, so I decided to make one of a frog myself using Word. You can see a thumbnail of the chart above or click the link below for a high-resolution PDF file of the chart.

[Download a high resolution PDF Hundred Chart Frog here]


If you have any good resources you use in your classroom or at home feel free to share in the comments.

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