Honduras Mission Day 5: Another Reminder of God’s Sovereign Power

Today has been another long day, but there were two moments that stuck out as specific reminders that God is in control over everything. It happened the first time while we were getting ready for our craft time during the VBS at the school we were at today. It was looking like we were not going to have enough crafts for all the kids. This was mostly due to the fact that when we showed at the school all the students’ brothers, sisters, cousins, and everyone else under the age of 12 showed up too. We had prepared for 75 kids, but probably had about 125 kids all together that were there.

Just as the team members who were overseeing the crafts were about to really get worried I was handed about 50+ coloring books and crayons. It was a reminder that God gives us just exactly what we need exactly when we need it. His plans are higher than our plans and he knows exactly when to provide what we need. God’s timing is good.

The other time I was reminded of God’s Sovereign power was at the church service. We again attended the church that meets on the property of Promise Home. I was able to preach on Matthew 5:13-16. But at the end of the service the local pastor led the church in the Spanish version of “How Great Thou Art.” Us North Americans were able to sing along with our Central American armanos y armanas (brothers and sisters) in praise of God.

Even though we separated by a great distance, culture, and language we serve the same God. It was a refreshing reminder that the church is indeed one body.

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